Prime Minister Harper

Bittersweet the election results may have been for some, the victory last night was still sweet. Stephen Harper's Tories won 124 seats for a minority government ending 13 years of corrupt Liberal rule. The Liberals though still managed to hold on to 103.

Harper was on the cusp of winning a majority according to some polls last week. They showed some tightening when the Liberal Party released a barrage of attack ads claiming that Harper was a US styled Conservative, that he wanted more of a military presence in cities, and wanted to ban abortion. Of course, on every point they were all fabrications. The fact though remains - that makes little difference. Negative attack ads work. They work, even in polite Canada.

Turncoat opportunist and all around traitor to the Tory party Belinda Stronach was re-elected. Ujal Donsjalhn (or however the heck you spell his name) managed to get re-elected as well. He was the former premier of BC under the NDP banner, and defected to the federal Liberal party. Scott Brison out east - another Tory turncoat - once again got re-elected. Even Jean Lapierre, the once Liberal then seperatist then Liberal again got the thumbs up from voters. It seems that some Canucks like traitors... Me?... Not so much.

Harper could have won more that's for sure, but that's not the point. The point is that the Liberals have finally been turfed from office. That regime has now been effectively squashed.

I was hoping for more of humbling of Paul Martin and the Liberal Party, but I'll take what I can get.

Harper's biggest accomplisment comes from one place: Quebec. La Belle Province elected 10 new Conservative MPs, and beat the Liberals in terms of votes. The Tories are now the official federalist alternative in Quebec. Not bad for a bunch of ridings they said there was no chance in a million Liberals that it would be winable for the Tories... Those guys must be jumping for joy in Quebec right now. Just imagine this, many of these lucky idiots were really two guys in shanty running a campaign. They are now winning campaigns.

Though when you look at it all, it's as if the Tories have won after receiving a massive beating. Well, nothing good didn't come without a little pain did it?

It'll all make it worth it when I have my GST cut. It'll make it that much sweeter when we end that Child Care social experiment in molding the minds of the young that the Liberals started. It'll be nice when people that do crime, do the time, and serve out their FULL TERMS. It'll be sweet when Paul Martin and Jean Chretien get put on trial for the crooks they are... Well, I can hope can't I?

1 comment:

  1. First off on Abortion... I was there. I was at the last Conservative convention. Despite my own wishes a resolution was passed making the party essentially officially "pro-choice." The resolution stated that a Conservative government would not table a motion on Abortion. If any movement on that issue is to happen it would have to come from Pro-Life Liberal MPs. The Liberals have spread out right lies on this one.

    I know, because I am pro-life, and that moment was not especially an easy moment for me. For people to still think this way after having that resolution pass... Well it's a mistery to me what else you would want the party to do...

    The only other thing they could do would be to kick out people like me from the party. I don't like that idea very much as you can imagine.

    As to Same Sex Marriage Harper said he would hold a vote to revisit the issue.... Guess were gonna have to agree to disagree on that one.
