More Government Bureacrats In Space... Yay!

So the Chinese are launching another Chinaman into space... And once again he won't be Homer Simpson, he'll be some blow dried Commie suck up who somehow deserves the right to go into space. Somehow he's earned the right to have taxpayers pay for his two million dollar joy ride into space. Look, don't get me wrong, I would love to have my own ticket paid for my own behind. I just have a problem when Astronauts get this attitude of entitlement about the whole thing. Newsflash: You didn't pay for it, and you didn't earn it.

Why is this Space news? Don't know. When something like this should be taking the lead. Private Spaceport in New Mexico? Now that's news that could lead to my own personal behind getting blasted into the God's great unknown... Now that's something that could effect us all.

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