It's like getting smacked in the face...

So the Liberals aren't taking over after all.

Really I have to wonder what the difference is. Thirty billion dollars in the red is no conservative budget. Since when do Conservatives believe they can spend themselves out of a recession anyways?

I feel like I'm in the twighlight zone right now:
Ignatieff, speaking in Ottawa, said Liberal support will require that the Tories issue reports to Parliament on the budget's implementation and its cost in March, June and December.

"Each of these reports will be an opportunity to withdraw our confidence should the government fail Canadians," Ignatieff said.
Next he'll be living at 24 sussex on Tuesdays and Thurdays and appointing senators in his spare time.

It's like getting smacked in the face. At this point what would have been the difference if the Liberals had taken power? A paltry two billion of tax cuts?

A smack in the face...

1 comment:

  1. "Each of these reports will be an opportunity to withdraw our confidence should the government fail Canadians," Ignatieff said.

    Somebody should tell this loudmouth that he has zero power to make any report a confidence matter, he's in opposition.

    Only one guy can do that, our PM.
