Can You Spot The Psychopath?

Psychopathy is a personality disorder manifested in people who use a mixture of charm, manipulation, intimidation, and occasionally violence to control others, in order to satisfy their own selfish needs.
Interpersonal traits include glibness, superficial charm, a grandiose sense of self-worth, pathological lying, and the manipulation of others.
Ironically, these same traits exist in men and women who are drawn to high-profile and powerful positions in society including political officeholders.
Recognize any Canadian politicians that fit this bill?...
h/t Tranterrestrial

Senate Regression

Rumblings of a disaster on the PM's senate reform strategy. Apparently appointing a whack of loyalists to the chamber of not-so-sober second thought to ram through Senate reform can have its hiccups:
While a handful, like staunch Ontario Conservatives Bob Runciman and Doug Finley pledged full support for an elected Senate, senators Mike Duffy, Irving Gerstein and Glen Patterson refused to say whether they still support the government’s legislation.(link)
It's the 21st century - and yet we still have a body of legislators not chosen by the people? Shouldn't it be a right for people to choose who represents them, or am I just crazy?

I think it's time for responsible government to make a comeback in this country.

If there are some turncoats that want to change their minds at the 11th hour - I say let them.

They're fighting a tide that has no end. It's an eventually for it to happen. The issue has been around since Confederation, and it will stick until it's finally fixed.

Over the long term people have a habit of fixing bad decisions. For that reason Senate Reform is an idea that can't be beat.

G20 Costs V

Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse:
Sources tell me [the] security cost of the disastrous G-20 summit will reach at least $2-billion. (link)
That puts the final cost of the G20 summit at about 150 times the cost of the two other summits last year in the US and the UK.

For the same price of one summit in Toronto, the UK could have had 150 summits.

At what point does something become a debacle?

G20 Costs IV
G20 Costs III
G20 Costs II
G20 Costs I

Richard Neufeld: The Unelected Tory Senator

Has elected to change his mind on the Senate:
"Before I came here, I only thought about it when it was brought up in newspaper articles, or someone was ranting and raving about the Senate when they talked about elections. But I thought we should have an elected Senate," Neufeld said.

Indeed, Neufeld has become a big booster of the current unelected Senate.

"It is time to quit kicking the Senate. It is time to start talking about the good things we do," he told fellow senators.
His reasons for his newfound opposition?
Neufeld said he supports term limits but the Senate election bill is "neither workable nor effective."

By contrast, he said: "The appointment process is quick and cheap. You can have regional representation and do all kinds of things. You can get a cross-section of the people that you want in this place."

"...that you want..."?

That who wants? The people? Nope can't be them. They don't decide zilch.

What I'm guessing he means by "you" is the enlightened few and mighty up in Ottawa. That sounds like a healthy run-by-the-people democracy to me!

You can't be too picky about who you do and don't appoint as Senators. That would cost too much money. Senators only get paid hundred of thousands of dollars each year and make far reaching decisions on public policy that effect millions for decades... That isn't election worthy. That's just too much money.

But the Senator leaves his best argument for last!
He said he's the first senator ever to hail from northern British Columbia. If he'd had to seek election for the job, he doubted he'd have garnered many votes in Vancouver and the populous southern portion of the province.

Furthermore, he noted that the bill contemplates holding Senate elections at the same time as provincial or municipal elections. He said that would be confusing to voters, particularly in British Columbia where there is no Conservative party provincially.

Sooooo basically he's saying "gee whiz, I wouldn't even be here if I had to actually run in an election!"

Well me, being one those "confused" voters that won't be able to tell the difference between Dalton McGuilty, David Miller, and Hugh Segal, I guess should thank Mr Neufeld for looking after us stupids.

Ok my sarcasm is done for today. I promise.

June Round-Up

June was a strange month in the world of Canadian politics.

It started with Poll numbers showing a left wing coalition would actually drive up Conservative support. The media reported that fact most forcefully... Actually they didn't, and sort've sucked the oxygen out of the room by implying the exact opposite.

The Liberals soon thereafter released a stinky ad. Iggy Puff's attempt on turning the page on the coalition circus? A complete utter failure.

What did do the job for the Puffster was the G20. Escalating costs were an embarrassment - especially when French President's mused they could hold the same summit for a 1/10th of the cost. The complete stupidity that seemed to ensue that weekend proved to be much more captivating to the media then whether Layton and the Puffster need to get more comfortable.

Was it a good month? Well... It was a month. I'm sure there's a lot that people want to forget about the last 30 days... Especially in downtown TO.

Canuck Space Cookies?

Hey Federal Tories: Looking for stuff to cut?
Access to Information documents obtained by The Canadian Press reveal the Canasnacks were the first step in a detailed proposal to develop "Nutritious Foods for Space Travellers."

The project began in December 2006 when the Canadian Space Agency commissioned Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada to create a one-day menu for astronauts on board the International Space Station.

The CSA kicked in $65,000, while Agriculture Canada's contribution was budgeted at almost $350,000.
I could've saved Ag-Can $350k by telling them to just buy and re-package some good ol' PC chocolate chip cookies from the RCSS.

All this cookie talk is making me hungry.

Gee... Let's Consult The Enemy

I don't know what it is this morning, but it seems like there's non-stop stories of non-sense out there for me to comment on:
The Canadian Space Agency is seeking advice from its Russian counterpart in a long-term project to put a satellite over the North Pole.
Russia is developing a similar program. The two countries would share scientific information gained from the new satellites.
Canada already has two satellites orbiting northern reaches. Radarsat 1 and Radarsat 2 keep an eye on northern waters and provide climate and weather information.

Images from those satellites are being used to help the military track activity in Canadian Arctic waters in a program called Polar Epsilon.

Ok. So let's get this straight. The DND has been pursuing a space strategy centering around providing space surveillance of the Canadian arctic.

Make's sense.

If Canada is going to protect its borders it needs to have a way to monitor such large arctic borders.

Canada especially needs to protect it's borders against other artic nations like Russia.

It may be a stretch to call Russia an "enemy" of Canada, but it definitely is a competitor with Canada when it comes to the arctic.

And so here the CSA comes along and wants to consult with them on how to develop this capability?

It's the equivalent of Iran asking the US for advice on how to build a Nuke.

Sounds like great cooperation. Doesn't make much strategic sense.

No One's Buying It

Ridiculous is the only word to describe this:
“There was an honest misinterpretation by people who were dealing with these matters in the midst of the heat of the moment,” Mr. Mukherjee said.

“It was the government, the minister of community safety, that realized that there was a misinterpretation. And they drew it to the attention of the staff and they then advised the chief right away. … There was no willful misinterpretation. There was no intent to mislead anybody.

“And as far as the police officers were concerned, they were advised right away, as soon as the mistake was detected.”
Do they honestly expect anyone to believe this claptrap merely a day after the police chief admitted to the ruse?
Asked Tuesday if there actually was a five-metre rule given the ministry’s clarification, Toronto Police Chief Bill Blair smiled and said, “No, but I was trying to keep the criminals out.”(link)
If this were a business, and I were running it, the police chief and half these knuckleheads would be out the door faster than you can say "five-metre rule."

If I were a police officer I would be ashamed right now.

Allan Rock Should Be Fired

Remember the Ann Coulter affair? Remember that notorious letter sent by the provost of the University of Ottawa? Remember how Allan Rock, former Liberal cabinet minister and Prez of U of O was mysteriously silent the whole time?

Turns out he was behind the whole damn thing:

"You, Francois, as Provost, should write immediately to Coulter informing her of our domestic laws. ... You should urge her to respect that Canadian tradition as she enjoys the privilege of her visit."

After seeing a copy of the final email to Coulter, Rock praised Houle: "Quel excellent message! Merci et felicitations. I am sure she has never been dressed down so elegantly in her life!"

These emails show a lack of professionalism, a lack of good sense, and a lack of character on behalf of Rock. He should be fired.

He should be fired if U of O wants to maintain the basic semblance of any credibility whatsoever.

He should be fired for using his position to intimate visitors to this country merely because he disagrees with them.

He should be fired because he clearly has no integrity whatsoever.