Lefty Trekkies

They exist. Well at least I think they do. In any event I stumbled across Simon Whitehouse's latest on Doohan's death and had to giggle.
Mr. Scott, a Canadian actor who worked alongside with another Canadian actor William Shatner (Captain Kirk)fought with an allstar crew to explore strange new worlds and seek out new life and new civilizations and promote peace in the galaxy.

I love how he just added that little bit about "promoting peace." Look buddy, if you want to be a real trekkie, you're going to have to promote your agenda using authentic slogans and lines from the series. Come on buddy - you're nerdiness meter is teetering towards "completely not a nerd." Put a little effort into it.
He didn't become a chief engineer to further himself personally, nor did he have visions of becoming the ship's captain since he was a small child. He was in it to make a difference and protect the dylithium crystals.

He was a freakin' engineer. He wasn't in it just for the dylithium crystals, he was in it for the nacelles, the plasma injectors, and giving it more power. Scotty typified every Engineer's dream of being a technical paper obsessed warp junky space nerd on a "Star Trek" of his own.

Honestly he had to be the only Engineer that could that could get away with muliplying his project estimates by a factor of three, so he could always finish early and keep his reputation as a miracle worker. Nerdiness scale going negative buddy.

Imagine that, eh? In today's universe, spacemen like Mr. Scott have been lost among the likes of others,like the evil Klingons or Romulans or Vulcans or The Borg or even the Pentagon who have clearly demonstrated how much they [don't] care about peace in outer space...

Yikes! Let me correct this poor confused wanna-be Trekkie. The Pentagon is not some other race. And he's placing the "Vulcans", the race that is dedicated to logic, the race that produced Spock who saved Scotty's behind on more than one occasion, in the evil category... Do you even watch Star Trek?

Oh and newsflash - the original aliens were just a representation of the evils of the time. The Kligons were supposed to be the Russians, the Romulans were the Chinese, and the Vulcans were supposed to be Japanese (At least I think and it would make sense since the Romulans and the Vulcans have common ancestry).

Oh and the Borg were supposed to be a representation of the 90's fear of technology consuming us... But hey I guess finding a level of Trek nerd on the left of sufficient caliber to know that is well - not logical.
Many Generation fans may remember Mr. Scott's appearance on the episode "Relics" that saved the Enterprise from destruction. What we should remember about this episode is that Scotty worked together with Geordi. Though some Star Trek fans are divisive in who was the better crew, Scotty realized that for the best federation crew of the time to continue in existence, he had to work collaboratively with them.

Nerdiness increasing, increasing...
For that, and for his tireless work to protect the dylithium crystals on the original ship, as well as his work in other areas such as getting the Humpback whales into the Enterprise in Star Trek IV,...

Leftiness showing more and more...
The original crew was asked to dock their ship after the sixth movie, but Scotty was able to find ways to get into future episodes and become influential in maintaining peace in outerspace. If that doesn't speak for his outstanding character, I don't know what does.

Look buddy, you ain't the nerd I was hoping for. First thing you should know is that Scotty was no peacenik. In the Trouble with Tribbles episode it was Scotty that started the bar fight with the Klingongs. In the episode where they find a parallel earth where the Roman empire never fell, it was Scotty that almost broke the prime directive by interfering with planetary power systems.

Crap, when he was on the excelsior, he was the guy that sabotaged the main drive to give the screws to Starfleet Command. That's no peacenik, that's just a good guy rebel rouser looking out for his friends.

I'm not impressed by the lefty Trekkies. I was honestly hoping for more.

Now that I've embarrassed myself enough, I'm going to stop writing.


  1. One also must remember that famous Scotty quote, "The best diplomat I know of is a fully charged phaser bank." Hardly the sentiment of a peacenik.

  2. I assume that since you dedicated a post in disagreement with Mr. Whitehouse, he is going to accuse you of wanting his attention. :)

  3. The real lefty in the Star Trek mythology was Spock, with his "the needs of the many outweight the needs of the few, or the one" line. I wanted to bitchslap him right then and there.

  4. Ed it depends how you interpret that line. What does it truly mean to sacrifice yourself for the needs of the many?

    Heinlein, when he wrote Starship Troopers, tried to make the point that those that serve in the military understand how to put other people's interests above their own.

    The result of a society completely ruled by those "types" of people? According to Heinlein it was a very Libertarian society. His point was, if you put other people's interests above your own, you would leave them alone in the first place.

    So ya, Spock could be a lefty, or he could just be a Heinlein Libertarian. I can always hope.
