Elizabeth May: "A Prophet"

A lot of hoopla is going around about Elizabeth's May's comments about Harper's climate change plan.

What did she actually say? She said Harper's climate change plan "represents a grievance worse than Neville Chamberlain's appeasement of the Nazis."

Hence Dion's distancing with this: "We should not use it — for the very reason that in the spectrum of power, the Nazi regime is beyond any comparison..."

What no one else is paying attention to is the rest of the remarks made for the "sermon" at the Wesley-Knox United Church in Wortley Village in London.

"We have a moral obligation to our Lord and Father to ensure we don't destroy the creation that was given to us..."

..."This is a time for Christians to say we do believe in miracles, in the life-giving force," she said.

Someone needs to let Lady May know that she isn't at a Star Wars convention - it's a Church.

Just what kind of wheehackee-woohoo is she talking about when it comes to the "life-giving force..." ? Is it God? Is it Buddha? Is it my next door neighbor the drunk?

Lady May is right when it comes to one thing: we are stewards of this planet and this land. Our ownership of this place is dependant on God, First Cause, giving us this planet to begin with. I guess we only differ when it comes to application of that concept. I don't believe the state needs to get involved to keep the planet safe. I believe individuals are the best stewards of their own land.

"We're playing with the forces that led to creation . . . we're nearing the edge of the life force and we're still playing around," May said.

She said it's as if the lessons of the Garden of Eden have been disregarded repeatedly and the results are already harming poorer nations.

The lessons of the Garden of Eden had nothing to do with poorer nations being harmed by the evils of Global Warming the last time I checked. The theology of the Garden of Eden is that man is a fallen creature by choice. In other words God didn't screw up things - we did.

Furthermore environmentalists have done more harm to poorer nations than anyone else. The stubborn insistence of some to develop alternative energy sources in to poorer nations instead of "polluting" them with traditional energy sources has lead to poor results in terms of people getting electricity at the end of the day.

Lady May's reading into the creation story is tenuous at best. The story is supposed to be about the perils of not just ignoring but defying a command from God. In this case doing just that screwed it up for the rest of humanity.

I'm not sure what modernistic interpretation she's reading into Genesis, but one things for sure: it aint real it's surreal. The apple was not a symbol for greedy polluting capitalists, and Adam was not representation of George W. Bush.

And as to the argument that we're messing with the "forces of creation" I think that one is stretch if I ever saw one. The whole debate here is whether or not we're messing with anything to begin with, and who says that global climate necessarily was a "force of creation?"

"Through the power of our Lord and Jesus Christ, we can meet this moral obligation," she said.

May was escorted to the pulpit by the man who defeated her five months ago in in the London-North-Centre byelection -- Liberal MP Glen Pearson, who likened her to an Old Testament prophet.

"She is one such prophet."

Now this is getting very scary. Al Gore scary. I don't understand quite why people in the climate change debate seem insistent on invoking religion when It's clear they don't know what they are talking about. Argue that we're being selfish in not conserving energy. Argue that we are justifying our gluttony in the West. But if you bring up the "life giving force" it's just - quite frankly - weird.

May looks creepy, insane, and a little off-balance. It's amazing that people are only fixated on small comments she made about the PM. The rest of this stuff nails her coffin shut as far as I'm concerned.

1 comment:

  1. They can't invoke logic or legitimate science.
