Tip of the hat to the Hunter...

The Hunter is leaving cyberspace.

He will be much missed. I don't know if I can manage to go on without his "rules of love..." But somehow I will try.

There is another day coming. Another sunset and sunrise. New challenges, new opportunities and new hopes are just around the corner.

That being said, one day I can see this blog going the way of the Dodo. It's a little sad to think of things that way. I've put an awful big chunk of my life the last couple years into this blog. It was fun. It was fullfilling. It sad to see things already winding down. But life is filled with its shares sorrows and joys. They'll be some joys yet to come.

So as the Hunter leaves, I'm giving a much deserved tip of the hat to the Hunter in respect to his years of service to honesty integrity and toomfoolery. But all is not lost. His clever meanderings though can now be found at the group blog the Politic.

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