Axworthy Does It Right?

That Conservative Candidate that had to respond to false allegations that he sexually assaulted a woman got an apology:
"Axworthy concedes the call came from his office but believes someone not connected to his campaign sneaked in and made the call.

"But Vellacott insists that it was an Liberal supporter because someone he knows recognized the voice and says he's prepared to take legal action.

"Axworthy - a former Saskatchewan justice minister - issued a statement Thursday afternoon apologizing and called the sex assault allegation "deplorable."

" 'In as much as it appears that our phones were misused and that the comments were hurtful to Mr. Vellacott, I offer my heartfelt apologies,' Axworthy said in the release.

I commend him for attempting to make an apology, though I have to admit to not trusting him when it comes to him not being connected to this whole mess. I have heard of similar allegations being made by other Liberal candidates to Conservative candidates locally since this story first broke. I'm of the opinion that some Idiots out there are just unable to live with themselves anymore. They have based their whole lives on the Liberal party. And now that that is going down they are turning to desperately stupid moves that anyone can see through. I may be wrong, but trusting Axworthy at this point is a very difficult thing to do.

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