Why does it seem like Planned Parenthood is running the Liberal campaign?

Got an email from someone today completely unrelated to politics. "Check out this link: www.liberal.ca ... Just like Planned Parenthood..."

Now I've seen the Liberal web site throughout the campaign. It looks nothing like it does right now. "Conservative MP Calls Woman's Right to Choose Undemocratic... Harper's Extreme Agenda Must Be Stopped... Stephen Harper's Covert Support for Cheryl Gallant... Harper Muzzling Local Candidates..." Every story seems to talk about that dreaded "A" word...

Then I read this: " 'What's going to happen after the election? Are these social conservatives going to stay in hiding ... (or) are they going to come out and start expressing their views, advancing their causes?' Martin said at a rally in Atlantic Canada."

That emailer was right on the money. The Liberal campaign seems more like Planned Parenthood is running it than a true national party that has more to say than some narrow field of focus.

This is the line in the final days of the campaign?... It's becoming sad to be honest. Where is the policy? Martin talked of a "positive" message he wanted to talk about in the campaign. Where is it?

The Liberals end the campaign talking about the "A" word? This line of attack has such little basis in reality, especially with Haper's often repeated pledge not to touch it. To the annoyance of many Social Conservatives that policy was duly passed at a convention. Some left the party over it.

And it was warned then, that just because we passed such a policy wouldn't mean the Liberal attacks would stop. Giving into a hostage takers demands tends to embolster the hostage taker if anything.

And these attacks make even less sense considering the fact that Martin himself wanted a law on the "A" word back in 1989...

In politics, death is twice as worse. It's a long drawn out process far too often. I've been on the losing side far too often, and know what it's like to see my own guy die. To a certain extent I kind of hope that Paul Martin and the Liberal campaign gets put out of it's misery as quickly as can be done. This is just excruciating to watch a dead man fight for his last breaths when all he's doing is digging himself farther down into the hole.

Maybe these attacks will work. Maybe they won't. Either way Paul Martin as a statesman and a leader has effectively died in this election campaign.

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