When Cartoons Cause Riots

So I've been hearing about these cartoons mocking the Muslim faith. I debated even posting a link to them at first. However I've posted links to cartoons linking Pope B16 to the Nazis although I felt them revolting as a certifiable "Papist." So, I don't' think I'm treating Muslims with any less respect by including a link here. In other words I figure it's proper to do it.

Now I've avoided talking about this whole issue for a while. But now that things have settled down a bit, I figured I'd get myself into more hot water than I'm already in by commenting on this hot PEI potato.

The first cartoon is funny. And I don't see what is offensive about it. The second however showing Muhammad's Head as a bomb is completely inappropriate. The third, I quite frankly just don't think is funny or offensive.

I was expecting something a lot worse than I saw in those cartoons. They aren't really that bad. Although the second cartoon is disrespectful, it's far less worse than cartoons I've seen of the Pope or otherwise.

So yes, I think the reaction is far over the top, and I'm surprised riots would happen over these.

However, that does not make that second cartoon less disrespectful than it is.

I have never said Cartoonists, or papers, or anyone for that matter, should be censored. If they want to be disrespectful - fine.

However, there used to be this idea of "Journalistic Integrity." There were high ideals in journalism. High ideals, that would have said to these cartoons, and to cartoons being overtly disrespectful to anyone, that they are disrespectful and shouldn't be published.

They wouldn't be published because they were people of high ideals, and this was not proper.

However people will continue to publish these cartoons regardless. Which is fine - it's their right. I just don't have to like it. It's not right when it happens to Muslims - and it sure aint right when it happens to Christians either...

1 comment:

  1. It isn't as much that the cartoons themselves were offensive in that they connected Muslims with terrorism, it was that they depicted the Mohammad at all. Apparently it is against their religion to do this, and just making a cartoon of him in good or bad terms is offensive. I still think there should be freedom of speech, but these clearly do go against a religious belief.
