Anti-Semitism on this blog...

"The wars of the USA apart from being at the behest of the Zionist lobby, are mostly about maintaining the hegemony of the US dollar balanced against the more important and overriding goal of controlling the world energy resources."

This was part of a series of comments made by certain people believing apparently that I would be open to this racist looney bin nonsense.

Yes, that's right, a global conspiracy of Jews is scheming to get the US to go to war...

Let me guess, the moon landings were false, the world is flat and Reagan was an alien too eh?

BTW - If you want to convince me that Bush is evil, the best way to do so isn't to start by talking about the "Zionist lobby."

If anyone is offended by these comments, please let me know, and I can delete the blog post it comes from.

1 comment:

  1. The words he used were "The wars of the USA apart from being at the behest of the Zionist lobby..."

    He's not mentioning a specific war, just all "wars" in general of the USA were "at the behest" of Jews. Just what in the hell does that mean to you Dave?!???

    Maybe you don't realise this, but those words are dangerously close to anti-semitic codewords I've heard from holocaust deniers.

    As for the influence Israel has on mideast foreign policy, let's talk about it by all means. But it shouldn't degenerate into suggestions that the "Zionist Lobby" is some sort of evil force pushing the US to war!

    That's fantical nonsense. And if those comments do not end, I will stop posting your and your friends comments.

    I'm not one for political correctness, I've let a whole bunch of stuff go through as comments on this blog, but that for me just goes too far.
