
Legislation was passed now allowing Japan's Defense chief to order the interception of a missile without needing to get it rubber stamped by the Japanese parliament...

I can imagine, in an alternate universe, Japan never passing this bill, and when the Defence Chief orders an emergency session of parliament to get approval to shoot down a nuke some nimwad politician would start a filibuster for some reason or another...

Kind of reminds of me of Mr. Dithers in good ol' Canuckland. That genius doesn't want to sign on to the US's missile defense system, but still wants to be consulted before a missile gets shot down over Canadian airspace.

I can't say we Canucks are any better than the Japanese.

1 comment:

  1. I've seen estimates of three minutes warning time for a Soviet FOBS, which is an overestimate in EMP mode.

    I wonder of the Norks could pull off a fractionally orbiting bombardment system.
