Kinsella: Get off the Pot!

One of the most favourite sayings my [Removed For Fear of my Life] year old Italian mother has is whenever any of her kids says something that doesn't make any sense she tells us to "get off the pot!" My mother is quite the character, and not to messed with I'll tell you that.

After reading Warren Kinsella's Dec. 15th post, I have to say to him "get off the pot!"
December 15, 2005 - I've seen the data, folks. Believe me: dissing Dalton McGuinty - by any federal leader - is dumb, dumb, dumb. The principal reason why the Liberal brand remains popular in Ontario is due to McGuinty. The guy is seen as hardworking, principled and decent, even by traditional Tory voters. He's got one of the only effective political machines in the country (Liberal or otherwise). And he's going to get re-elected, handily. Any politician who criticizes him - as Martin did in 2004, as Harper is doing in 2005 - will not benefit. They will, in fact, get hurt.(link)

What kind of weehakeewohoo is that kind of data? You're talking about a man who started his term in office breaking his first and most publicized promise not to raise taxes, and has become so revered for his promise breaking ways he received the nickname "McGuilty".... And he's seen as "principled"? Sure he may have a good political machine - that I can't comment on. But he remains "popular"? Even to Tory voters?

The apprehention from Tory voters may have to do with many traditional Tories feeling a little unsure about John Tory. That I could understand. Otherwise that comment makes no sense.


  1. Anonymous4:08 PM

    I believe that The Ontario Liberals contracted with Kinsella to work with them, He's probably still employed by them, so you have to take what he wrote in that context. Simple to figure out. Vested interest hidden.

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