No More Paysans...

'In baby-strapped Italy, politicians are proposing that women be paid not to have abortions.

'The scheme - put forward by the left - comes at a time when the Roman Catholic church is urging a rethink of the country's 1978 abortion law, reported The Guardian. (link)(Via)

No kidding Italy has a baby problem. Italians have known for a while that Italians are not replacing themselves. They've bought into the anti-child pro-abortion pro-contraceptive view of post-modern society.

It's gotten so bad that I'm allowed as a 2nd generation Italian-Canadian to vote in Italian elections... Why? Because politicians in Italy, fearing that immigrants could dilute the voting power of Italians, decided to let 2nd generation Italians with a valid citizenship vote in elections even if they don't live in the same country...

All brought to you thanks to the Voluntary Human Extinction Movement:
'"We can't be breeding right now," says Les Knight. "It's obvious that the intentional creation of another [human being] by anyone anywhere can't be justified today." '(link)

Say that to the Italians.


  1. Anonymous5:29 PM

    On that note, Canadians aren't replacing themselves either, the only reason we haven't died out altogether is immigration. Italy unfortunately doesn't have that going for them . . .

  2. Anonymous2:57 AM

    This is in reponse to the anonymous comment that was made regarding this article. Governments always wait till the problem mushrooms before they take action. The italian government just wants to exhaust all means of rectifying this situation before having to resort to other things such as reforming their immigration policy. I mean, Italy has to look after its own interests as well. Opening immigration up to people with credentials and education is one thing, opening it up to refugees is another. Unfortunately for Italy, considering where it's geographically located, get an influx of refugees every day! Canada does not! This takes a toll on the economy and hasn't anyone been keeping up with the news??? The canadian immigration system isn't everything it's cracked up to be, studies have been done that show it's practically impossible for anyone to pass the 40 point system and if they do they rarely find work in their field of study!!! So please, let's not put Canada on a pedestal, far from it.
