Sounds like these guys need a little B16...

...While the public board sensibly has a firm policy expressly banning any politically partisan event from its schools, the Catholic board had no problem granting Martin, a dissident Catholic, a perfect photo op with school children whooping wildly, and waving flags for the Leader of the Liberal Party.

The public board said that had Martin requested a visit outside of his campaign, he would have been welcome. On the other hand, because Martin is Prime Minister, the Catholic board felt it was a “chance of a lifetime” for schoolchildren to meet a world leader. The Catholic board said it would not, however, allow a visit from Steven Harper or Jack Layton because they are not world leaders....(link)

That's both an interesting and confusing argument.... Hitler was a "world leader" too. Would that mean that this school board would have no problem with him coming for a visit in another time and place?

Now, hold your keisters hippie hairy armpitted Liberals everywhere, I am not suggesting that your Supreme Leader Paul Martin is Hitler. He is quasi-Dictatorial, but that's not the same thing.

The point is this: that Catholic School Board has some pretty flawed logic. That is evidenced by the fact that if you take the "world leader" criterion to it's logical conclusion you end up with Hitler being a suitable guest. You need something more.

A better criterion to allow politicians to speak of any faith is this one: do they follow the moral teachings of the Catholic Church?

1 comment:

  1. HMMM I was wondering why Quasi Dictatorial Martian was in the schools.

    Easy debate partners I guess.

    If the Liberals win in Ontario with it's 106 seats they will continue with their Ontario Empire buiding at the expense of the other Provincial colonies.

    If the Conservatives win it will be in the East and West with their policies of nation building outside of Ontario by stopping the Clawing back of the Non-renewable resource revenues from the equalization payments and following through with the Custodial Management.

    Quebec doesn't factor into the equation.
